Dykki Settle
Former director, Health Workforce Informatics, IntraHealth International
Dykki Settle led IntraHealth International and CapacityPlus’s efforts in health worker informatics, bringing a health worker-centered approach to the availability and use of high-quality information.
iHRIS: Where Are We Now?
This blog entry was originally posted on the CapacityPlus website.
Global health workforce issues have only recently received focused attention in the field of international development. In 2006, the...
Without the User, There Is No System: Harnessing Technology through the eHealth Workforce
When we talk about building strong health systems and the health workers needed to run these systems, we often think about doctors or nurses or community health workers. Just as crucial to health...
mHealth Africa Summit—the Personal Emerging
Health workers in Ghana, Malawi, and other countries are using their phones to photograph physical symptoms. This is just one mHealth example.
mHealth: the Possibilities of the Personal
mHealth programs have to focus on what the consumer or health worker wants as well as what the public health system needs.AUTHORED RESOURCES
Taking Forward Action on Human Resources for Health in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia: Synthesis and Measures of Success
This paper discusses the background of HRH shortages in the listed countries, as well as plans for steps to resolve the issue.
An Overview of Human Resources for Health (HRH) Projection Models
This Technical Brief provides a rapid review of different health workforce projection approaches with a list of references for more information.