

We’re committed to achieving an AIDS-free generation by 2030—and we believe health workers are the key to making this vision a reality. That’s why we focus on health workers and the systems that support them as we tackle each hurdle that remains between us and the end of the epidemic.

Key Results

HIV red ribbon icon 528,346 individuals tested for HIV & received results in 2023
106,723 individuals on antiretroviral treatment in 2023
92% of adult HIV-positive clients on antiretroviral therapy who were tested for viral load achieved suppression in 2023

Our key approaches:

  • Scaling up HIV prevention strategies, including provider-initiated testing and counseling, voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC), index case testing, pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis, and gender equality in HIV services
  • Supporting comprehensive HIV/AIDS care through service integration; prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT); ART, including bringing ART to hard-to-reach and key populations (e.g., female sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, inmates); and addressing stigma and discrimination
  • Facilitating human resources for health (HRH) innovations, including helping to design national strategies to rapidly recruit and deploy health workers to deliver HIV/AIDS services, strengthening national policies and guidelines that support HIV service delivery, and supplying health sector leaders with critical health workforce data using our iHRIS software and other tools
  • Maximizing the performance of health workers, organizations, and systems for quality service delivery by applying our Optimizing Performance and Quality (OPQ) approach 
  • Developing and adapting digital health solutions to enable informed health workforce decision-making, enhanced client support (e.g., for ART adherence and feedback on service quality), and easier access to learning resources for health workers
  • Strengthening the social service workforce to support resilient families and care for orphans and vulnerable children in the context of HIV and AIDS.

Selected Achievements

Provided HIV testing and counseling services to 650,625+ people in South Sudan since 2009
Supporting 14,862 people living with HIV on ART in South Sudan as of June 2024
Provided training for 8,500+ health workers in Kenya to provide services in family planning, HIV, and maternal and child health services.
Reached more than 1,045,000 boys and men in Tanzania with voluntary medical male circumcision since 2011.
Trained nearly 3,000 health workers in Tanzania to provide HIV-related services, including testing, counseling, and voluntary medical male circumcision.
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