For two decades, IntraHealth International has collaborated with Senegal’s government, health training institutions, and health workers to bring  high-quality health services to more communities, and significantly  increase new users of family planning. Our programs: 

  • Provide an integrated package of family planning, maternal, newborn, 
    and child health, and nutrition services to mothers and children
  • Strengthen municipal leadership to expand and finance proven family 
    planning and maternal, newborn, and child health solutions
  • Increase the number of qualified, well-trained nurses and midwives 
    who can provide quality care to rural and hard-to-reach communities 
  • Use the power of data to accelerate early detection of hypertension 
    and cardiovascular disease and advocate for greater health sector funding
  • Position local and regional organizations, including Senegal-based 
    Speak Up Africa, to lead critical health advocacy and programming 

Key Results

Supported 24 districts (30% of national coverage) to scale up the INSPiRE integration model, with local leaders mobilizing resources to further accelerate scale-up
Guided 4 private schools to achieve West African Health Organization standards and teach 1,540 nursing and midwifery students from underserved areas
Trained 285 community health workers to promote contraceptive use in their communities and facilitate referrals to health facilities

Selected Achievements

Trained 297 local elected officials and members of 63 health development committees on their roles and responsibilities in health management in Senegal.
Trained 31 community representatives on advocacy and civic engagement in Senegal.
Helped develop operational plans for 85 communities and workplans for 6 health districts in medical regions in the Kolda and Sedhiou regions of Senegal.
Improved cardiovascular health outcomes in four districts in Dakar, Senegal.

By addressing hypertension from primary prevention at the community level to treatment at referral health centers, the links to treatment increased from 71% to 86% for cases diagnosed; the number of clients on treatment who have hypertension under control improved from 5% to 30%; and the net systolic change among hypertensive patients decreased by an average of 15,51 mmHg in 12 months.


Reduced contraceptive stockout rates to as low as 2% in Senegal using our Informed Push Model for supply chain management.
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