Interactive CD/Website Project Coordinator
Wallace Hannum, Associate Director for Performance Systems, Intrah/PRIME II
Marc Luoma, Performance Improvement Director, TRG/PRIME II
Lauren Voltero, Performance Improvement Specialist, Intrah/PRIME II
David Nelson, Senior Writer/Editor, Intrah/PRIME II
CD/Website Production
Dykki Settle, Director of Information Technology, Intrah/PRIME II
Eric Coker, Multimedia Designer, Retro Rocket Multimedia
Shannon R. Turlington, Content Editor, Intrah/PRIME II
The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of Jim McCaffery, Constance
Newman, Sharon Rudy, Alfredo Fort and Fred Rosensweig, co-authors, along with
Marc Luoma, of the Performance Improvement Source Document, from which
Stages, Steps and Tools evolved.
The PRIME II Project strives to build the capacity and improve the performance
of primary providers and systems for better reproductive health care around
the world. PRIME II is implemented by Intrah in collaboration with partners
Abt Associates, EngenderHealth, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health
and Training Resources Group, and supporting institutions, the American College
of Nurse-Midwives and Save the Children.