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Strengthening Respect and Recognition for Health Workers: Strategies and Recommendations

This report explores why respect and recognition matter for the health workforce, as well as some promising strategies and recommendations for increasing both.

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Letter to the Biden Administration Urging Emergency Supplemental Funding for COVID-19 Response Globally

IntraHealth joins our partners in strongly urging the Biden Administration to swiftly request additional emergency supplemental funding to respond to COVID-19 globally.

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Gender Equality Overview

This document provides an overview of IntraHealth's gender strategy and gender-related tools and resources.



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HIV/AIDS Overview

IntraHealth International is committed to surpassing PEPFAR’s 95-95-95 goals and achieving an AIDS-free generation by 2030. This brief offers an overview of our current HIV/AIDS initiatives.

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COVID-19 Response Brief

Learn more about IntraHealth International's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Global Health Security Overview

IntraHealth International helps build resilient health systems that can prevent, detect, and respond to pandemic threats and natural disasters. And we do it by focusing on health workers. Here are...

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Health Workforce Overview

This brief offers an overview of IntraHealth's health workforce initiatives.

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Technical Briefs: Senegal's USAID/Neema Project

Our USAID/Neema project improved health for women and children in Senegal by strengthening health services and making them accessible to more people in seven regions of the country. Neema’s two...

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Analysis of Gender-Related Inequalities and Discrimination in the Health Sector in Senegal: Toward Effective Human Resources Management

Read about Senegal’s first gender discrimination and inequality analysis, conducted in response to the gender audit findings, in collaboration with Senegal's Ministry of Health and Social Action and...

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Tutorat: A Comprehensive Approach to Empowering Health Care Providers and Their Facilities in Senegal

Read how IntraHealth International is supporting the Senegal’s Ministry of Health with Tutorat in the USAID/Neema projectTutorat is a competency strengthening approach characterized by on-the-job...

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