Thirty years of partnership and experience on the ground provide the foundation for our work in Kenya, where we're partnering with the government to achieve its bold vision of universal health coverage. 

We're doing that by strengthening the country's health systems and health workforce. By making high-quality health care accessible to more of its people. And by producing and retaining more health workers whose skills are up to date and who are stationed where they're needed most. 

As Kenya's health workforce grows, we're helping its leaders amass the data and expertise they need to slash rates of maternal, child, and newborn mortality, end the HIV epidemic, and expand reproductive health and family planning services. 

Key Results

stack of books icon 42,000+ students received low-interest loans to pay for their health professional schooling
15,400+ health workers received in-service training on topics such as HIV, MNCH, and family planning
20+ HRH policies and guidelines developed, including the 3rd Kenya HRH Strategic Plan
69,000 health worker records tracked in iHRIS, IntraHealth's free human resources information system software

Selected Achievements

Established and grew the Afya Elimu Fund (AEF), mobilizing US$30.6 million to provide low-interest loans to 42,000+ health professional students. Transferred the Fund to the Higher Education Loans Board.
When COVID-19 spread around the world, rapidly trained 1,000 new health workers on disease surveillance, infection prevention, triage, and COVID-19 case management.
Helped the Ministry of Health roll out iHRIS, IntraHealth’s open source software to track and manage health workforce data, to all county governments. 
Tracked 69,000 health worker records through iHRIS, and enabled iHRIS users to generate reports, real-time analytics, and dashboards to manage HR data, including in the public sector and for PEPFAR contract workers.
Following devolvement of HRH management to the county level, helped establish HRH units in 40 counties staffed by 123 qualified HR managers.
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