
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

From Cairo to Dakar: Population Dynamics in Mali

Twenty years ago I arrived in Bamako, Mali, and discovered a capital city settling into relative calm following a military-led coup. My first images of Bamako were of cows, cars, and citizens grazing, grinding gears, and gridlocked on Bamako’s main artery through town—the Route de Koulikoro.

Honoring Fred Sai, a Relentless Champion

As our community prepares for the International Family Planning Conference in Dakar, Senegal, later this month, we at IntraHealth International salute Professor Sai’s achievements and congratulate him on his latest award.

The Seven-Billionth Person: A Global Health Workforce Perspective

The global shortage of health workers means an estimated billion people with no access to essential health services according to a 2010 WHO report.

Global Health: A Historic and Momentous Movement

I just returned from listening to a speech by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Great strides are being made in bringing HIV/AIDS under control.

Two Heads Are Better Than One

In honor of Open Access Week, I wanted to write a quick blog to support the growing global movement promoting the free and immediate sharing of learning, data, and scholarly research.

Advocating For Open Access: Information Has the Power to Save Lives

IntraHealth has long championed the importance of health workers and managers having open access to information, particularly in developing countries. Open access is a natural extension of that work.

Mobile Phones Stopping Fraud and Abuse in Health Care in Uganda

The Uganda Capacity Program has launched an SMS service to enable patients to verify that a clinic/medical professional is registered and licensed.

IntraHealth Statement on Hormonal Contraception and HIV Risks

A recent article by Heffron and colleagues published in Lancet Infectious Diseases suggests that hormonal contraception may increase the risk of HIV acquisition among men and women two-fold.1 Given...

Community Leaders Stand and Speak Up for Girls in India

While girls and boys are largely treated equally early in childhood, disparities in health care, education, and knowledge widen in adolescence.

Partnership for Change: the Seventh Annual Clinton Global Initiative

Last month, I attended the 7th annual Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting. IntraHealth International was offered a complimentary membership for this year based on the increased interest and attention to the area of human resources for health among the global development community and our work to support the health worker in that space.