We’re a global team of creative, committed humanitarians on a mission.
We believe everyone everywhere should have the health care they need to thrive. That’s why we work every day to improve the performance of health workers around the world and strengthen the systems in which they work.
We’ve worked in over 100 countries since 1979. And we’re partnering with new ones every year. Our programs build lasting relationships and strong capabilities wherever we work.
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According to Clarisse Utamuliza, nurse in charge of neonatology at the Muhima Hospital in Kigali, children born before term spend between 30 and 60 days in the hospital.
In Ethiopia FGC is supported by a web of socio-cultural, financial and religious incentives.
The Mother Support Program promotes awareness of antenatal care and HIV prevention services in Ethiopia. The program benefits HIV-positive families, providing mentorship, counseling and medical care and treatment to mothers and children living with HIV/AIDS.