IntraHealth is working to improve access to quality prevention, care, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) through the Care4CVD project funded by Sanofi. Recognizing the significant burden of hypertension (30%) and diabetes (5%) in Togo, as highlighted by the 2021 WHO STEPS survey, the project aims to:

  • Strengthen health workforce capacity by training at least 500 doctors and nurses on the management of hypertension and diabetes and equipping them with data-driven decision-making skills
  • Empower community health workers by building their capacity to identify and manage cardiovascular risk factors
  • Expand early detection and diagnosis by reaching community members with prevention messages, decentralizing screening services, and facilitating timely referrals to health facilities.

Previous IntraHealth work in Togo has included projects to strengthen its iHRIS health workforce information system and train and support health workers to improve the quality of services for maternal health and family planning.