
Cracking the Nut Health '16

Date(s): -
Location: FHI 360 Conference Center
Washington, DC États-Unis

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Event description:

To achieve the ambitious targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals, the global community needs smarter and more cost-effective, responsive investments in health that create synergies among people, communities, and health systems and promote resilience. Cracking the Nut Health will bring together diverse global health practitioners and thought leaders to examine how individuals and communities can contribute to building resilient health systems.

IntraHealth at Cracking the Nut Health '16:

IntraHealth International's Rebecca Kohler—senior vice president of corporate strategy and development—and Barbara Stilwell—senior director, health workforce solutions—are on the conference advisory committee. 
Panel presentations:

Creating a Lifeline: Sustainable Financing for Health Worker Training
Monday, July 18, 1:30pm
Panel presented by Rebecca Kohler of IntraHealth and Caroline Karutu of FUNZOKenya/IntraHealth 

Adapting Strong Partnerships to Spotlight Frontline Health Workers in the Wake of the Ebola Crisis
Tuesday, July 19, 10:15am
Panel presented by the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, including panelists Laura Hoemeke, Vince Blaser of Frontline Health Workers Coalition/IntraHealth, Carolyn Moore of mPowering Frontline Health Workers/Jhpiego, and Annie Toro of International Medical Corps 

Scaling National and Global Health Information Systems with OpenHIE
Tuesday, July 19, 1:00pm
Panel presented by David Potenziani and Leah McManus of IntraHealth, Liz Peloso of PATH, and Denise Johnson of ICF International


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