
How Importing Jobs Impacts the Health Care Crisis

Location: Durham Technical Community College
525 College Park Road
Orange County Campus
Hillsborough, NC États-Unis

Cohosted by IntraHealth International and Durham Technical Community College

Thursday, November 15
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Discussion and book signing.

Did you know that every year, despite high unemployment, the United States' health care sector imports tens of thousands of foreign-born doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health workers while US medical, nursing, and pharmacy schools turn away equal numbers of qualified American applicants? 

For years, opponents of outsourcing have argued that offshoring jobs destroys local industry and the economy, yet few realize the extent to which America's health care sector relies on insourcing labor from developing countries to meet US demand. In her new book, Insourced: How Importing Jobs Impacts the Healthcare Crisis Here and Abroad, Dr. Kate Tulenko argues that insourcing health care has dire economic and social consequences and threatens the quality of medical care in both source countries and the US.

Join us for a discussion and book-signing event during which Dr. Tulenko will share her views on the problem and the role of allied health professional training programs in the solution. Faculty from Durham Technical Community College will talk about the school's potential to train the next generation of health care workers in an affordable and timely manner—and who and what it will it take to move these initiatives forward in North Carolina and throughout the US.


  • Penny Gluck, Executive Dean, Durham Technical Community College, Orange County Campus Operations
  • Pape Gaye, President and CEO, IntraHealth International
  • Dr. Kate TulenkoSenior Director, Health Systems Innovation, IntraHealth International
  • Melissa OckertDean, Health Technologies, Durham Technical Community College, Orange County Campus Operations

Kate Tulenko

Dr. Kate Tulenko is a physician with degrees from Harvard University, Cambridge University, and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The former coordinator of the World Bank’s Africa Health Workforce Program, she currently serves as senior director of health systems innovation at IntraHealth International.

Durham Tech campus

Skilled health care workers are always in high demand. Durham Technical Community College offers a variety of courses in a nursing assistant program, phlebotomy, medical coding, emergency medical technician, and more. Visit noncredit/
 for more information.

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