
Second Phase of Global Fund Project Will Expand Malaria Prevention in Senegal

Through a $14 million award from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, IntraHealth International will expand its work to prevent malaria in Senegal via a second phase of the Strengthening and Expanding Interventions for a Consolidation of Control for a Pre-Eradication of Malaria in Senegal project.

Malaria is transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitos, and children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable. Although the number of reported cases in Senegal has dropped in recent years, malaria is still the second leading cause of death in the country and the number one cause of death for children under five. The government of Senegal is committed to eliminating the disease across the country by ensuring the availability of effective treatments in health facilities, use of rapid diagnostic tests, and the mass distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets.

During the first phase of the project (2013-2014):

  • IntraHealth partnered with the National Malaria Control Program of the Ministry of Health and Social Action to distribute more than 6,600,000 long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets (LLIN) in ten out of the country’s 14 regions. 
  • More than 12,000,000 people received LLINs—approximately 2,300,000 were children under five. 
  • Through training and deploying 20,945 community relais (community outreach workers) the project reached a total of 1,296,840 households, increasing the bed net coverage rate from 4% to 99% in the ten regions. 
  • IntraHealth also worked with 12 local organizations and 420 community-based organizations to educate communities through public campaigns about the correct use of nets, other malaria prevention methods, and the importance of seeking care within 24 hours of symptoms. 

This second phase (2015- 2017) will extend coverage to all 14 regions of the country with an aim to distribute 8,169,326 LLINs. IntraHealth will manage net distribution and strengthen community systems through advocacy, communication, and social mobilization interventions, while the National Malaria Control Program will ensure LLINs are available for free distribution and expand home-based management of malaria cases. IntraHealth will train local stakeholders, including district and regional medical teams, head health facility nurses, community relais, and relais supervisors to educate the public and distribute the nets. IntraHealth will continue to work with local and community-based organizations to deliver messages through community campaigns about correct net use and care, the importance of seeking treatment early, and malaria prevention during pregnancy.

The three-year award is in line with Senegal’s National Malaria Strategic Plan and will be managed by Dr. Ndella Diakhate, program director for IntraHealth in Senegal.