David Nelson

Director of communications and knowledge management

A professional editor and writer with more than 25 years of experience, David Nelson has expertise in producing technical publications, capturing and disseminating knowledge, storytelling, documentary studies, and project management. He led communications for three USAID global projects led by IntraHealth: CapacityPlus, the Capacity Project, and PRIME II.

Nelson has coauthored articles in Human Resources for Health, Global Health: Science and Practice, and the North Carolina Medical Journal, and edited and coordinated production of dozens of technical briefs, policy papers, and tools published by IntraHealth. 

Nelson holds a master's degree from the University of Mississippi, where he served as the longtime editor of Living Blues magazine, and a bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he graduated with highest honors in creative writing.


Getting Contraceptives to Women Who Need Them: Senegal's Informed Push Model

This technical brief covers our Informed Push Model, utilized in Senegal to ensure women have reliable access to modern contraceptive methods.

This brief is part of a larger publication about...

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Afya Elimu: Funding the Next Generation of Health Workers in Kenya

This technical brief covers our Afya Elimu Fund, an affordable loan program that enables low-income health professional students to complete their education without interruption. The program was...

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Tutorat: Building a Culture of Quality in Senegal’s Primary Health Care Facilities

This technical brief covers our Tutorat mentoring approach to improve quality of care in Senegal.

This brief is part of a larger publication about IntraHealth’s innovative approaches to global health...

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The Power of Storytelling: Advocacy by Frontline Health Workers

This technical brief covers our storytelling training with frontline health workers, allowing them to advocate for themselves at local, national, and global levels.

This brief is part of a larger...

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Health4All: Strengthening Health Workers’ Capacity to Serve Key Populations with Stigma-Free HIV Services

This technical brief covers our Health4All approach to training health workers to provide stigma-free HIV services to key populations.

This brief is part of a larger publication about IntraHealth’s...

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