
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Where is Child Labor in the US Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls?

Girls cannot be empowered if they are performing domestic labor that interferes with their education, development, and rights.

A Strategy to Deliver a Fit-For-Purpose Global Health Workforce

The Workforce 2030 strategy is a milestone in its own right. But we need bold investments and policies to turn its vision into a reality.

WASH on the Front Line

In any humanitarian crisis, providing access to water, sanitation, and hygiene is one of the most powerful public health interventions available.

On World Humanitarian Day, Remember Local Health Workers

Local workers are the links between the aid budgets we debate in Washington and the realized mitigation of human suffering.

To Achieve an AIDS-Free Generation, We Need More Problem Solvers

Putting what we already know works into practice is key to the fight against AIDS.

We Have the Tools, the Technology, and the Numbers

Today’s youth are crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. But not all of us have access to the resources we need.

A Safe Bet: Investing in Resilient Health Systems for Everyone

Health systems are only as strong as the people who work within them.

5 Ideas that Crack the Nut of Resilient Health Systems

Last week over 200 people came together in Washington, D.C. to tackle a complex problem.

On World Population Day, Let's Do More for the World

The U.S. contribution to family planning programs represents less than one cheeseburger per American per year. We can do better.