
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Working Differently: An Invitation from Pape Gaye to SwitchPoint

It is fundamental that international NGOs and development practitioners start to work differently, and that is what SwitchPoint is all about.

What USAID’s New Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy Means for Connecting Girls and Inspiring Futures in Health

Leading up to this year’s International Women’s Day, the U.S. Agency for International Development introduced a new policy to help women and girls participate fully in and benefit from development.

Medicine as a Weapon in Syria and Beyond

A recent editorial in The Lancet issued a dire warning to the international medical community: medicine is a weapon of war in Syria. It is just the latest in a series of reportsfrom across the Middle East on how medical care and medical professionals and facilities are being used to inflict politically-motivated violence.

mHealth Pilots Show Promise, on the Verge of Something Bigger

A mHealth report from Advanced Development for Africa offers recommendations for taking mHealth programs to scale based on nine case studies.

Accommodating—and Creatively Embracing—Technology

Last week, the New York Times published “As Doctors Use More Devices, Potential for Distraction Grows,” which offers a critical look at the place of mobile technology and computers in the hospital.

Accelerating Family Planning Momentum: What I Am Hearing from Leadership

Earlier this month, during the Dakar International Family Planning Conference, the President of Senegal, Mr. Abdoulaye Wade, took a bold and unprecedented stance in his address in the opening ceremony of the conference saying, “Senegalese families should limit the number of children to better battle poverty.”

16 Years and 16 Days of Activism against Violence

Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released findings from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. The numbers are sobering

Celebrating World AIDS Day: Getting to Zero

This is a day to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and reflect on where we have made achievements in battling the epidemic and where we need to do better.

Family Planning: Be an Example

From politicians to community and international leaders, we should all be more engaged in helping couples make informed choices about family size.