
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Three Steps NGO Leaders Can Take toward a Future of Inclusive, Locally Led Development

Lessons in localization with global health CEOs Maqsoda Maqsodi and Pape Gaye.

Health Under Attack: The Need to Safeguard Health in Conflict

Attacks on hospitals, medical equipment, ambulances, and on health workers themselves gravely limit the access to care of communities in need.

Part 1: Opening the Umbrella of Primary Care to Include HIV Services in Namibia—Background & Context

Namibia finds itself where many countries in the region may find themselves over the next several years—on the brink of graduating from United States Government (USG) funding. This milestone comes in part due to Namibia’s middle-income country status as well as economic realities that are constraining donor funding at the global level.

Part 2: Opening the Umbrella of Primary Care to Include HIV Services in Namibia—Organizational Capacity Assessments

Capacity assessments by nature reveal weaknesses and gaps that have the potential to make participants feel vulnerable. Recognizing this, we held introductory meetings with the program and facility management teams of our partners—Catholic Health Services, Lutheran Medical Services, and Anglican Medical Services—to explain the process and get their buy-in.

In Memory of Marcus Pridgen: Honoring Excellence

Our beloved colleague Marcus Pridgen passed away on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 after a long illness.

The Changing Landscape of International Development: The Turbulent Journey Ahead

I recently had the honor of co-chairing InterAction Forum 2012 along with Carolyn Miles of Save the Children. This year’s Forum brought more than 1,000 representatives of InterAction’s member...

What’s the Best Way to Retain a Health Worker? Just Ask Her!

The world currently has a shortage of some 4 million health workers, amplified by a complete mismatch between where health workers are stationed and where they are most needed.

iHRIS: Where Are We Now?

This blog entry was originally posted on the CapacityPlus website.

Global health workforce issues have only recently received focused attention in the field of international development. In 2006, the...

Skepticism + Playfulness = SwitchPoint?

Last Friday, I sat in the beautiful Haw River Ballroom in the enchanting town of Saxapahaw, North Carolina, with hundreds of eclectic, savvy, and well-traveled individuals at SwitchPoint 2012—IntraHealth’s first annual conference, retreat, and concert on innovation and global health.

Pursuing My Passion: A Field Experience in Ethiopia

For almost a decade, I have been enamored of the advanced fistula care being delivered in Ethiopia. My interest in fistula care first arose after I read a 2003 article in the New York Times by Nicholas Kristof regarding the famed Hamlin hospitals.