
Internship Program Helps Support Information Systems in Uganda

The IntraHealth International-led Uganda Capacity Program is supporting national implementation of the iHRIS software, Open Source software developed by the Capacity Project and supported by its bilateral associate awards and the global follow-on, CapacityPlus.

Small Things Matter: Contributing to Maternal and Neonatal Health in Armenia

Maternal and infant mortality rates in rural Armenia are significantly higher than in the country’s urban centers. Through the NOVA 2 Project, IntraHealth International teams with lead partner RTI International and Save the Children to improve maternal and child health in these areas by introducing evidence-based practices and approaches at maternity hospitals.

Training Traditional Healers to Fight Malaria in Mali

Malaria has severe impacts on the children and pregnant women of Mali—in fact, it’s the single greatest cause of mortality among children under five. Since traditional healers are often the first to be consulted to aid the sick, it’s crucial that these healers have the skills to diagnose the disease early and move rapidly to manage and treat it.

The Namibia Economist Features IntraHealth’s IT Work

Namibia Economist
July 10, 2010

IntraHealth International this week donated a collection of compu-ters and software programmes, including a new data base facility, to the Ministry of Health and Social Services that is expected to improve the management of the ministry’s staff.