Since 2006, IntraHealth International has worked with our partners in South Sudan to improve access to health services amid conflict, a refugee crisis, and disease outbreaks. Collaborating with the government and local organizations, our programs provide high-quality HIV/AIDS services; increase access to modern contraceptives; and strengthen the health system by improving data quality and use, addressing the country’s shortage of health workers, and developing the capacity of local partners. 

Read about current work in South Sudan through the USAID-funded Advancing HIV & AIDS Epidemic Control Activity. This critical program provides comprehensive HIV services to the general public and key populationsincluding nearly 13,000 female sex workersto prevent HIV transmission, help ensure HIV viral suppression, and reduce AIDS-related deaths.  


Key Results

HIV red ribbon icon 650,625+ people counseled and tested for HIV since 2009
14,862 people living with HIV, including 4,338 female sex workers, supported on ART as of June 2024
pregnant woman icon 5,130+ women received antiretroviral therapy to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission since 2009

Selected Achievements

14,862 people living with HIV supported on ART, including 4,338 female sex workers, as of June 2024.
100% of people supported on ART on multimonth dispensing to improve adherence
5,130 women received ART to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission since 2009.
Strengthened the capacity of 15 local entities to lead future USAID and PEPFAR programs and sustain the country’s HIV/AIDS response.
Provided family planning services for 72,600+ people in South Sudan.
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