
Measurement & Analytics

At IntraHealth, we go beyond simply reporting on our work. We use sophisticated evaluation designs, analytics, and new methodological approaches to show our work’s true impact on the people we serve.

Our programs use data and analytics to make evidence-driven recommendations for policies and practices that are relevant to their contexts. And those data help us advocate to decision-makers at the global, national, and community levels. We learn from our experiences, and share them across countries and programs. And as we grow our impact and scale, we never stop measuring.

Selected Achievements

Informed—through survey results and costing data—a new national recruitment and retention policy for the health workforce in Lao People’s Democratic Republic. It includes incentives to reward high-quality services and to encourage retention.
Applied the WHO tool Workforce Indicators of Staffing Needs to Namibia’s public health sector, the resulting data from which are helping government officials make more evidence-based decisions around health sector staffing.
Surveyed over 1,400 health workers and students in Lao People’s Democratic Republic to inform a range new incentives that help motivate, retain, and deploy health workers where they’re needed most.
