
Noncommunicable Diseases

Cancer kills more people in low- and middle-income countries than HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. As people all over the world live longer than ever, this and other noncommunicable diseases—including not only cancer, but also obesity-related illnesses, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and mental illness—have become the leading cause of death and disability worldwide.

That’s why we help countries build resilient health systems and strong health workforces that are prepared to meet this challenge. We work with our partner countries to establish the powerful data, effective policies, and well-trained health workers they need to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases of all kinds.

Our key approaches include:

  • Building strong primary health care teams to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases
  • Strengthening data for decision-making systems
  • Using mobile technology to connect government officials and frontline health workers for real-time communication

Selected Achievements

In Senegal, trained 667 health workers on hypertension screening, treatment, and prevention in Dakar.
Trained health workers in Kenya to screen for cervical cancer among women of reproductive age, particularly those who live with HIV.
Partnered with the Mental Health Unit of Liberia’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to collect data on depression and other mental health needs using IntraHealth’s mHero.
Developed a comprehensive model for treating and caring for women with obstetric fistula in Mali, including pyschosocial and community reintegration support.
Developed a nutrition education program for district hospitals in Rwanda to combat chronic child malnutrition.
