James Campbell Takes the Helm at the Global Health Workforce Alliance
On July 1, 2014, Dr. James Campbell will assume the roles of executive director of the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) and director of the Health Workforce Department at the World Health Organization. IntraHealth International congratulates Campbell on his appointment and commends the World Health Organization (WHO) for prioritizing its leadership role as a convener and advocate for human resources for health (HRH).
According to WHO, there is a shortage of 7.2 million doctors, nurses, and midwives worldwide. The countries with the most severe shortages are in Africa and South-East Asia.
Despite some progress, many countries are struggling to produce enough health workers to provide high-quality care to their populations, to support and make the most efficient and equitable use of their current health workforces, and to test and scale up innovations and community-based health solutions. In some countries, particularly in West Africa, countries’ efforts have been outpaced by population growth.
“Universal access to health care—and to health workers—is possible, and now, as we shape the post-Millennium Development Goal era, it needs to be a collective priority,” says IntraHealth CEO and President Pape Gaye. “With Jim Campbell at the helm of GHWA, I have no doubt the Alliance will be one of the leading voices rallying the development community to focus on resourcing health workforce interventions as one of the central ways to strengthen health systems.”
GHWA is a partnership representing national governments, civil society, international agencies, finance institutions, researchers, educators, and professional associations, all working to address health workforce issues. The WHO hosts the secretariat for the Alliance. IntraHealth is an active partner of GHWA and, in conjunction with Amref Health Africa, serves as the secretariat of the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative, the global international civil society partner network that partners with GHWA.
Campbell is a world-renowned expert in HRH and is currently the director of ICS Integrare, a not-for-profit research institute working to reduce social inequalities and inequities that affect health, education, and prosperity.