
iHRIS Train Offers a Free New Solution for Managing Health Workforce Data

Health workforce managers have a new tool they can count on to better know and manage their health workforces. iHRIS Train, which manages data on the education of health professionals—both before entering the profession and while in service—is the latest application in the growing iHRIS lineup of workforce management software.

Give Back on #GivingTuesday

This holiday season, IntraHealth International is taking part in #GivingTuesday, a campaign founded by the United Nations Foundation and its partners to act as a counterweight to the shopping-focused Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Health Workforce Policies Can Dictate Health Outcomes, According to New Publication

In Transforming the Health Workforcea new open-access publication released by New York University College of Nursing—a chapter by IntraHealth International experts Laura Hoemeke, Barbara Stilwell, Kate Tulen

Players Become Aspiring Nurses in New Health Workforce Game

Vital Pursuit, a new online game, challenges players to navigate the real-life decisions and obstacles that many Kenyans face in pursuing careers in health care. IntraHealth International launched the beta version of Vital Pursuit yesterday at the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health.

IntraHealth Celebrates 10 Years of Partnership in Ethiopia, Honors Outstanding Health Workers

health workers awards

Last month,
IntraHealth International honored several champions within Ethiopia’s health sector and celebrated 10 years of working in partnership with the government of Ethiopia.

Countries Save Over $100 Million with Open-Source Software and Powerful Data

The free, open-source iHRIS software has now given 16 countries powerful data-management capabilities that, if purchased from for-profit companies, would have cost over $100 million in combined licensing fees. Instead, government agencies in Africa, Latin America, and India now use the affordable iHRIS to store over 675,000 health worker records, allowing officials to track, manage, and plan for their health workforces.