
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Future Planning: Young People Making Choices

As we celebrate International Youth Day, we’re talking with young people about planning their futures.

Respectful Maternity Care is Everyone’s Responsibility

How can we protect women from abuse during in maternity care? Health sectors can start by doing these seven things.

Where Are the DRC’s Doctors and Nurses? iHRIS Data Give Us Hints

Each year, the country produces 2,000 new doctors and 7,000 new nurses. Yet there's often a shortage.

Haiti’s Need for Mental Health Services, Before and After the Quake

Mental illness affects 1 in 10 people, yet only 1% of the global health workforce is dedicated to mental health. Haiti feels the effects.

Tomorrow’s Health Sectors Need More IT Staff, Interoperable Systems

When it comes to data-wrangling software and apps, health sectors today have lots of options. But they may come with a language barrier.

Six Reasons Ministries of Finance Should Invest in Health Workers

Last week's talks in Ethiopia resulted in a powerful new advocacy tool: the Addis Ababa Call to Action on financing the health workforce.

How To Ensure Global Health Security? Frontline Health Workers, Of Course

At the heart of global heath security lie three pretty simple notions.

Will This Be Our Decade of Data Use?

Should we continue rushing headlong into developing fancy new gadgets and software? Or should we organize the data we’ve collected and use them to scale up solutions we know work?

Three Ways to Scale the Mountain of mHealth Pilot Studies

Plan for sustainability from the beginning, and other tips for making your mobile health pilot study a success.