
News & commentary about the global health workforce

This Labor Day, Let’s Hear It for Health Workers

Today is Labor Day for many countries around the world. And plenty of frontline health workers are at work despite the national holidays, laboring for our global health and well-being.

As the Country’s Newest Innovation Hub, NC Must Stay Ahead of the Curve in Global Health

Join us at SwitchPoint to show the world why North Carolina deserves to be called a hub for innovation.

Imams in Senegal Are Not against Family Planning

In Senegal, we have not been brainwashed by international donors to support family planning. Our primary interest is the well-being of the people of our country.

Five Key Steps to Making the Health Workforce a Post-MDG Priority

Let’s make sure our next set of global commitments is sustainable by putting health workers at the center.

Health Workers Can Help Break the Silence around Violence against Women

Universal screening is a logical first step in addressing violence against women. Here are 4 things health institutions must keep in mind.

I Counted, There Were 14 Health Workers

An allergic reaction sent Kenyan health worker Doris Mwarey to a US hospital—and made her see the global shortage of health workers in a whole new light.

Six Steps on the Long Road to Gender Equality

What can we do to reduce discrimination and violence against women? And how can we make change last for generations to come? Madhuri Narayanan has some ideas.

Building a Health Workforce to Achieve an AIDS-Free Generation

What will the woman nominated to be the next leader of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief say about the health workforce?

Three Ways for Health Workers to Mitigate a Hidden Global Crisis

In Nepal, burns are the 10th leading cause of death for children under five. But two-month-old Astha survived.