
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Digital Health and the New World

I was a digital health novice before working with the informatics team at IntraHealth. Then they introduced me to mHero.

From Zero Doctors to Three: A Transformation at Bukwo General Hospital

Imagine you and 74,000 other people all had access to just one doctor. That used to be Uganda's Bukwo District.

On World Humanitarian Day, Remember Local Health Workers

Local workers are the links between the aid budgets we debate in Washington and the realized mitigation of human suffering.

We Have the Tools, the Technology, and the Numbers

Today’s youth are crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. But not all of us have access to the resources we need.

Driving the Development Conversation with JadedAid

How do we communicate the work we do in global development? Do we become the voice for a cause, or elevate local voices instead?

Imelda Achieng Wants to Find a Cure for HIV for Her Mum

A loan fund in Kenya is helping this pharmacy student keep her promise from childhood.

5 Ideas that Crack the Nut of Resilient Health Systems

Last week over 200 people came together in Washington, D.C. to tackle a complex problem.

Life at Work for a Community Health Assistant in Zambia

In rural Zambia, community health assistants often go above and beyond their training. But is this safe?

New Service Integration in Kenya Gives Clients Access to HIV Care—without the Stigma

In West Pokot County, Agnes looks over her shoulder every time she takes her HIV meds.