
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Health Workers Have a Right to Clean Hands

According to the 2010 Kenya Service Provision Assessment survey, only 46% of Kenyan health facilities have running water year-round.

Our Commitment to the Kenyan Health Worker

Many health workers have a dream of offering high-quality services, but no way of doing their work well because they lack basic supplies or training.

Why Does a Woman Use Contraception? For a Better Life.

I consider myself a strong advocate for the wide availability of family planning methods, and of women being able to decide if and when they want to become pregnant.

Getting Health Workers to the Women Who Need Them

Maureen Kanyiginya is a young midwife with a gentle, confident presence. Sitting on a bench in a grassy area outside the rural health center where she works, in western Uganda, she says she loves helping mothers and delivering their babies. "I make mothers comfortable," she states firmly. "I'm a health worker."

An Excerpt from Kate Tulenko in the New York Times: Foreign Health Workers in the US Come with a Cost

In the NY Times, Tulenko discusses the dire economic and social consequences of insourcing and how it threatens the quality of care.

Insourced: How Importing Jobs Impacts the Healthcare Crisis Here and Abroad

I saw people out of work in the US and health workers being imported from countries that could ill afford to lose them.

Observing Hope: Pediatric HIV Prevention in Two Health Centers in Ethiopia

In 24 months, 1,919 babies have been delivered in government health centers in these two communities, and only one of them has been found HIV-positive. That’s a pretty good performance, even in a country with a relatively low 1.5% adult HIV prevalence.

Family Planning: It Takes a Health Worker—and Saves Money and Lives

We need to invest more, globally, to ensure that health workers are there to expand access and offer services.

Behind the Scenes: Attracting Mainstream Media Attention for Health Workers

An email in my inbox one month ago invited me to attend the first planning meeting for a visit by Pape Gaye, our president and CEO, to Tanzania, but it was also an invitation to elevate health and health workers as newsworthy topics to my former teammates: journalists.