
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

mSakhi: Digitizing Health Care at the Grass Roots

This app is revolutionizing health care for moms and babies in Jhansi, India.

Celebrating Love without Unwanted Pregnancy

Young advocates in Mali spread information about family planning and reproductive health services.

Community Health Workers: Forgotten No More

A new global campaign is pushing for salaries, benefits, and formal employment for these crucial health workers.

Through Bullets and Bombs to Reach Health Care

In conflict areas around the world, health workers like Patrick in South Sudan continue to risk their lives to do their jobs.  

Keeping Babies HIV-Free

This team of health workers in northern Namibia is determined to test 100% of babies born to HIV-positive mothers. And they're almost there.

A Clean Bed, Anesthesia, and Other Small Comforts We Can Give Mali’s Moms

An assessment of health facilities found entire wards devoid of equipment and supplies. We can do better.

Nurses and Stories Are a Powerful Combination

In Uganda, one nurse is changing the face of nursing leadership. Meet Samalie.

Picture It: Health Workers Provide Care for Mothers Every Day

Happy Mother’s Day to moms—and the health workers who care for them—everywhere!