
News & commentary about the global health workforce

The Other 16 and Pregnant

Without access to reproductive health services, adolescents' plans could be interrupted by unintended pregnancy.

Are Health Workers Delivering for Women? And Are We Delivering for Health Workers?

Skilled birth attendance is on the rise, but it's only increased by 10% in developing countries over the last 20 years.

SwitchPoint 2013: Reengineering the Back Yard

If you want to help save the world, look for a problem to solve in your own back yard.

A Growing Movement to Solve the Frontline Health Workforce Crises

The REAL awards are part of a movement to solve one of the largest hurdles in global health.

Caktus Sponsoring and Speaking on Mobile Health at SwitchPoint 2013

SwitchPoint is a one-of-a-kind conference and a unique opportunity to learn, share ideas, and hear about global and mobile health efforts around the world.

Tough Decisions for Health Workers Who Care for the Boston Marathon's Wounded

Many are alive today because of the health workers who were ready to treat their injuries as soon as they rolled in the door.

SwitchPoint: Global Good Ideas

In this era of the meme and the like and the retweet, I never tire of stories about people who have built something incredible out of nothing, especially when they have built it to help someone else.

Tracking Down the Silent Killer

World Health Day 2013 is marked by a call for intensified efforts to prevent and control hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.

"You Never Think It Will Happen to You": Health Workers Confront the Risks of Tuberculosis

Patricia Bond was working as a nurse at a health facility in South Africa when she developed some troubling symptoms.