
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

Zika: The Cost of Doing Nothing

We must move more quickly to keep the cost of Zika—estimated at $5 billion—from doubilng or tripling, says Dr. Kate Tulenko in the new issue of Global Health & Diplomacy

An Avon-Like Approach to Lifesaving Health Care

After learning that beauty giant Avon had started in rural America, Chuck Slaughter set out to take health care door-to-door in Uganda.

5 Behavioral Science Tips for Integrating Health Services So People Actually Use Them

Offering immunization and family planning services at the same time seemed simple.

Women Deliver Starts with Stories from Health Care’s Front Lines

It was a full house at the Bella Center as frontline health workers shared their stories of fear, struggle, and a love for the job.

In Tanzania, 22.8% of Teen Girls Are Mothers

The country is turning its focus to young people—which make up half its population—in part by training thousands of health workers to deliver different methods of pregnancy prevention.

Three Cheers for Nurses Everywhere

Sure, it’s Florence Nightingale’s birthday. But it’s also a time to reflect on just how much nurses do to hold our global health systems together.

Community Nursing through the Eyes of a Nurse

In Zambia, an eye-opening research project on community nursing has one nurse educator re-examining the way she teaches.

A Real-Life Cinderella: Remembering My Mother

My mother was lucky to have fairy godmothers—a team of physicians who helped her manage a terrible disease.