
News & commentary about the global health workforce

16 Years and 16 Days of Activism against Violence

Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released findings from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. The numbers are sobering

Celebrating World AIDS Day: Getting to Zero

This is a day to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and reflect on where we have made achievements in battling the epidemic and where we need to do better.

Family Planning and Access to Health Workers

Amid the worldwide health worker shortage, some low-income countries are managing to show impressive levels of modern contraceptive use. How does access to skilled health workers affect family planning use, and what are some countries doing differently?

Family Planning: Be an Example

From politicians to community and international leaders, we should all be more engaged in helping couples make informed choices about family size.

Family Planning in West Africa: Courage and Conviction Can Make the Difference

As someone who has worked in this field for over 25 years, it is with mixed emotions that I prepare for the International Family Planning Conference in Dakar later this month.

Honoring Fred Sai, a Relentless Champion

As our community prepares for the International Family Planning Conference in Dakar, Senegal, later this month, we at IntraHealth International salute Professor Sai’s achievements and congratulate him on his latest award.

The Seven-Billionth Person: A Global Health Workforce Perspective

The global shortage of health workers means an estimated billion people with no access to essential health services according to a 2010 WHO report.

Global Health: A Historic and Momentous Movement

I just returned from listening to a speech by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Great strides are being made in bringing HIV/AIDS under control.

Advocating For Open Access: Information Has the Power to Save Lives

IntraHealth has long championed the importance of health workers and managers having open access to information, particularly in developing countries. Open access is a natural extension of that work.

IntraHealth Statement on Hormonal Contraception and HIV Risks

A recent article by Heffron and colleagues published in Lancet Infectious Diseases suggests that hormonal contraception may increase the risk of HIV acquisition among men and women two-fold.1 Given...