
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Leaders Stand and Speak Up for Girls in India

While girls and boys are largely treated equally early in childhood, disparities in health care, education, and knowledge widen in adolescence.

Small Fixes in Maternal Health

The New York Times has recently published a series on “Small Fixes: Low-cost innovations that can save thousands of lives.”

A North Carolinian Honors World Contraception Day

As a North Carolinian and an American, I have always had access to the contraception I needed throughout my life. I have used condoms, diaphragms, spermicides, pills, and the intrauterine device (IUD).

Leading the Way Back Home: Nigerian Minister of State for Health, Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate

All eyes were on newly appointed Minister of State for Health as he presented his vision of health for Nigeria.

A Midwife Crisis

“If we want to stop these women and babies dying, we need to invest in skilled care,” declared Flavia Bustreo, assistant director-general of family and community health at the World Health Organization. Bustreo’s declaration came on the heels of the release of the WHO’s State of the World’s Midwifery 2011: Delivering Health, Saving Lives.

South Sudan: “Transforming from Zero” the Nation, the Health System, the Health Workforce

Over the weekend, the world’s newest nation was born. South Sudan celebrated independence as Africa’s 54th nation state and the United Nations 193rd member.

Thoughts on Motivating Health Workers

Health workers must be retained, productive, and caring if the huge deficits in access to health workers are to be addressed.

TEDxChapelHill: Open Source Technologies, Local Engagement, and Innovation for Global Health

Last week, the second annual TEDxChapelHill filled the Varsity Theatre in Chapel Hill, NC. The seven amazing speakers—from the fields of ICT4D (information, communication, and technology for...

Technology, Innovation, and Young People: the Future of Global Health

Innovation, technology, and young people have been at the forefront of my mind lately.

It started with my engagement with the many talented students last month at the Clinton Global Initiative...

Community Health Workers: Meeting the Unmet Need for Family Planning in West and Central Africa

A recent New York Times article featured an updated United Nations forecast that projects the world’s population will reach 10.1 billion by the end of the century, rather than stabilizing at nine billion midcentury as previously predicted.