
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Overcoming Obstacles to Accessing Mental Health Services in Ethiopia

How can we develop Ethiopia's mental health workforce and improve the system overall? There are some ways.

These Six Ethiopian Nursing Students Will Become Lifesavers

IntraHealth is working with the Alkan College to help young women from remote parts of Ethiopia to become community nurses.

Frontline Health Workers' Key Role in Improving Nutrition

In Jharkhand, India, one auxiliary nurse midwife struggles to mobilize women to take advantage of Village Health and Nutrition Days.

Welcome to My Mother's Kitchen: Task Sharing and Innovation

Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda's mother was a true innovator—by necessity.

A Guatemalan Nurse Works for Better Staff Performance—and Better Services for Patients

“I like providing support and care to patients,” says Rosa Lara de Forela, the subdirector of nursing at the Pedro de Bethancourt National Hospital in beautiful Antigua, Guatemala.

Health Is Wealth

Meet three men in Africa who share two key beliefs: access to health care for all people is vital, and healthy people build strong economies.

ICTs in Maternal and Child Health Poised for Scale-Up in Uttar Pradesh, India

The health sector in India is rapidly harnessing the power of technologies to streamline and enhance the quality of its maternal and child health services.

A Sky-High Celebration: Opening Our Kenya Country Office

Last month, IntraHealth opened its new Kenya country office and celebrated the merger of two USAID-funded projects.

In Costa Rica, Strengthening Health Systems Has a Human Side

Until I came here, I thought of “health system strengthening” strictly in clinical, technical terms. But it's more than that.