
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Top 10 Myths about the Global Health Workforce Crisis Busted at the National Physicians Alliance Conference

Recently, I presented this Top 10 at the National Physicians Alliance (NPA) Annual Meeting in California.

Salute to Women Health Workers

I salute the women of the world today on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2010.

Collecting 30 Years of Stories, Achievements, Challenges & Changes

IntraHealth and I are approximately the same age. Well, let’s just say we were both born in the seventies anyway. Therefore, it seemed fitting when I was charged with telling IntraHealth’s 30th...

Welcome to IntraHealth's Global Health Blog

Welcome to IntraHealth’s Global Health Blog, a space for open discussion on the major issues facing the global health community.  We will be sharing perspectives from the field, with a focus on the...

Collective Effervescence at the International Family Planning Conference

As the final plenary session ended in Uganda last week, I felt a sense of excitement. Exhaustion, yes, but also this urge to stand up and shout…let’s do something, anything, to make the dream of ready access to family planning services world over a reality.