
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

When HIV and Gender-Based Violence Intersect, Women Suffer in Silence

An IntraHealth study finds that most health workers in Mara region, Tanzania, don't know how to care for survivors.

Understanding Health Workforce Productivity at the Facility Level: A New eLearning Course

We know we need to train and deploy more health workers, but how can we make the most of the health workers we currently have?

Men and Boys Come Out in Droves for HIV Services in Tanzania

In the northern regions, HIV services aren't always available. But when they are, health workers stay busy.

Mandy Moore and Jennifer James See Tanzania's Health Workers in Action

Two global health advocates experience firsthand the inner workings of a rural, mobile HIV facility.

Can the Global Fund Help Address New Health Challenges?

Richard Seifman explains why he thinks the Global Fund's role could be expanded to help fight Ebola.

Looking at Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in the Field

In rural Tanzania, health workers toil away in tents to stem HIV.

Family Planning Has Yet to Take Hold in West Africa—But Change Is Coming

What does the health workforce have to do with family planning and contraceptive rates? A lot, it turns out.

New Partnership Will Bring Holistic Fistula Care to the Women of Mali

The chair of IntraHealth's board shares her plans for Mali’s fistula survivors—including greater health, dignity, and prosperity.

Why Nigeria’s Response to Ebola Succeeded

Dr. Egbe Osifo-Dawodu shares how Nigeria's government, ministries, health workers, and religious leaders took immediate action and stopped the spread of Ebola.

A Day in the Life of a Family Planning Health Worker

The clinic is packed when Mama Blandina teaches women and their families about the importance of family planning and spacing births.