
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

U.S. Leadership for the Health Workforce We Need Post-2015

When it comes to addressing the worldwide health workforce gaps that hinder our global progress, American leadership matters.

Medical Education in Crisis: Training Doctors Without Faculty

How do you provide medical education without faculty? Not very well, it turns out. It's a problem in Tanzania.

What I’m Learning as a Nurse in Malawi

In the US, nurses take on incredible accountability for their clients' care. In Malawi, where the nursing ratio may be six nurses for 271 patients, that kind of attention is impossible.

Corporate Volunteers Can Create a Ripple Effect for Global Health

In Senegal, the government is working to make sure family planning supplies are available when and where they’re needed. Pfizer Global Health Fellow Suzie Roy is helping to make it happen.

Kenneth Magala: "I'm a Health Worker"

Meet Kenneth Magala, a Ugandan nurse who can tell you exactly what he loves most about his job.

On the Road with Midwife Esther Madudu

There's no running water and the electricity is spotty, but that doesn't stop this Ugandan midwife from giving moms and newborns all the care she can.

Mothers Can Make All the Difference in the Health of Their Children—and of Their Communities

A Tanzanian woman named Teereza teaches her son to take ownership of his health, just like my mother did with me.

A Day in the Life of a Rural Midwife

Officially, Jane’s work hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. In reality, she never knows when she will start or finish. She is on call 24/7.

You’re Not a Fraud, You’re an Innovator

What happens when you put a bunch of experts and creative non-experts in a room together? Answer: Big ideas are born.

This Labor Day, Let’s Hear It for Health Workers

Today is Labor Day for many countries around the world. And plenty of frontline health workers are at work despite the national holidays, laboring for our global health and well-being.