
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

The Situation in Northern Mali

Months of violence and looting have whisked away medical supplies and expertise. Now, patients who could have easily been saved a year ago are dying.

A World of Contrasts: Thanksgiving and Food Security

As we enter the holiday season, some lucky families will enjoy bountiful tables. But many will not.

Your Money Saved That Kid’s Life

Five thousand miles from Washington, DC, in the African country of Niger, something very good is happening.

Things Are Looking Up for Rwanda’s Mothers and Babies

Back in 2000, only about 25% of mothers in Rwanda delivered their babies in health facilities. Today, that number is almost 70%.

Preventing Violence against Health: Data Collection Is Key

The horrific attack on Dr. Denis Mukwege in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is part of a much larger problem.

Picturing Our Work: Protecting Health Workers

In this photo from Ile de Gorée, an island off the coast of Dakar, Senegal, Carie Cox reminds us how health workers often sacrifice their own health or safety in order to care for their patients.

Star of Senegal: A Midwife Fights for Affordable Family Planning

Aïssatou Dia Fall has become a star in Yeumbeul, Senegal.

Health Workers Can Help Stamp Out Poverty

They say wealthier is healthier, and there’s evidence to back that up.

Health Workers Have a Right to Clean Hands

According to the 2010 Kenya Service Provision Assessment survey, only 46% of Kenyan health facilities have running water year-round.