
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

Only Human: The Challenge of Intentional Knowledge Management

All organizations and projects use, capture, and share knowledge, but without prioritizing knowledge management, KM doesn’t happen systematically.

A Web-Based System at Ugandan Professional Council Encourages Accountability and Quality Control

Last month, the Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council introduced a web-based system for registering all the medical officers and dentists in the country.

Proud to be a Nurse

Years ago, at a workshop on shaping health policy for nurse leaders, I heard a speaker say, “Nurses are this country’s best kept secret, and we need to wake up.”

Rwanda’s Police and Health Provider Partnership Is Better Serving Gender-Based Violence Survivors

Why is a health program training police officers? In January last year, the Government of Rwanda published its first training manual for health providers in the care and treatment of sexual and gender-based violence survivors.

Where is the United States Government Going on 'Gender'?

I’ve been watching the ebb and flow of the gender equality movement for many years now. I’m glad to see that the ebbing, including the social backlash of the 1980s and the political chill of the 1990s, has been replaced by positive policy “flow”—if not flowering—in the U.S. government’s commitment to achieve gender equality in development assistance and diplomacy

What We Need to Change: See More Health Workers ‘Made in the U.S.A’

Every year, U.S. medical and nursing schools turn away tens of thousands of qualified applicants and thousands of American students instead study at overseas medical schools.

Asking Smart Questions: Where Are Health Workers within Service Integration?

I was struck by the extent to which the health worker as input or output in the evaluation of service integration models is conceptually absent.

Move the Merchandise: An Around-the-Clock Operation to Save a Kenyan Medical Warehouse

Picture the following scenario: A large warehouse, 13,000 m2, on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya about 20 kilometers from the city center, is so full of drugs and other medical supplies that there is no space for new deliveries.

Making Work Safe for Health Workers

During my medical residency, several of my friends stuck themselves with used needles while caring for patients. I remember their anxiety as they waited for the blood tests to arrive that indicated whether they were at risk for HIV, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C.

The Promise of Better Health Worker Education with Launch of New Kenya Center

The Kitui Centre of Excellence for Family Planning and Reproductive Health will support local faculty to develop & apply innovative teaching methods.