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USAID/Burundi Localization Training: Leadership and Governance

A training module on Leadership and Governance best practices for implementation of USAID projects. This session is designed to build the skills and knowledge for organizations to put in place the...

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USAID/Burundi Localization Training: USAID Sub-award Management

A training module on USAID sub-award management. This session is designed to build the skills and knowledge for organizations to successfully make and manage sub-awards under a USAID project. Best...

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USAID/Burundi Industry Day: USAID/Burundi Sustainable Development Office (SDO) - Portfolio Overview

A presentation by the USAID/Burundi Sustainable Development Office (SDO) team of their portfolio, highlighting the aspects of localization and opportunities for partnership. Presented at the USAID...

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USAID/Burundi Localization Training: USAID Organizational Assessments (NUPAS)

A training module on how USAID assesses local organizations before giving an award. The module specifically outlines USAID’s NUPAS pre-award survey as well as a NUPAS assessment tool, the NUPAS Plus...

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USAID/Burundi Localization Training: Managing a USAID Award

A training module on managing a USAID award. This session is designed to build the skills and knowledge for organizations to put in place the systems and practices to successfully implement a USAID...

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Subaward Management Training Manual

The purpose of this manual is to provide prime partners with the basic resources and knowledge to support and capacitate subawards in applying for and managing grants as a prime. This manual is...

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Business Development Funding Opportunities from USG Training Manual

The purpose of the Business Development (BD) training manual is to help local organizations on the path to becoming a USAID Prime Partner and the road to future sustainability.  The information will...

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ASAP II & USAID Office of HIV/AIDS: Communications Webinar

Members of USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS Communications Team present why and how to tell your story, including developing strong content and photos – and how to work together on stories! You'll also gain...

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Manuel de formation sur le leadership et la gouvernance du conseil d'administration

Cette formation présentera aux participants/formateurs les éléments clés de la gouvernance et se concentrera sur le développement des compétences en matière d'appropriation de la gouvernance et d...

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USAID Financial Policies, Internal Controls and Compliance

This webinar will review key USAID financial policies and internal controls necessary for compliance. There will be time for local implementing partners to ask any questions they have throughout the...

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