
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Three Steps NGO Leaders Can Take toward a Future of Inclusive, Locally Led Development

Lessons in localization with global health CEOs Maqsoda Maqsodi and Pape Gaye.

Giving Birth: the Good News

Last week, Time published “The Perils of Pregnancy: One Woman’s Tale of Dying to Give Birth,” a poignant photo essay and article on the grim reality of women dying in childbirth in Sierra Leone. I read the piece with mixed emotions. The images, the tone of the Time article contrasted sharply with everything I heard last week during Women Deliver 2010 conference: family planning use is increasing, child survival is improving, and there have been steady declines in the number of women dying from pregnancy-related causes, according to a recent Lancet article.

Introducing Zulfiya Chariyeva, Intern at IntraHealth

Last week Zulfiya and I discussed what brought her to IntraHealth and the global health field.

Cooperating to Change Lives

None of our work is taking place in a vacuum, and none of us have expertise in all areas that need to be changed to improve people’s lives in low-resource areas. Partnerships that, on the surface, seem unlikely can turn out to be surprisingly supportive of each other.

Nyakubawa Ambasaderi, mwarakoze cyane kudusura!*

What a pleasure for IntraHealth to be able to host Rwanda’s Ambassador to the US, His Excellency James Kimonyo, at our headquarters offices here in North Carolina last week!

Reflections from a Family Planning Conference in Nairobi

The Africa Exchange Meeting of the Expanding Services Delivery Project (ESD) held last week in Nairobi offered opportunities for learning about promising inroads in increasing access to reproductive health and family planning.

Who’s Your Inspiration? Talking with David Benton about Some Memorable Nurses

David Benton, CEO of the International Council of Nurses, shares stories about the nurses who have inspired him.

The IntraHealth iPhone App—Another Successful In-house Project

The next few years will be huge for non-profit mobile apps. I was just at the NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference and several people and vendors were talking about apps they were designing or already developing, with nothing released yet.

Lancet Reports Steady Decline in Maternal Deaths Throughout the World: A Perspective from India

Exciting news: India is among the leading countries in reducing maternal mortality in the last 15 years.

The IntraHealth Timeline

As we look forward to IntraHealth’s 30th Anniversary Event on April 22nd, we invite you to take a walk with us through IntraHealth’s last 30 years on our new interactive timeline.