
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Necessity Breeds Lifesaving Invention—and a Hub to Launch More Innovation

It seemed like a normal workday, but an unexpected crisis gave Dr. Dayo Olakulehin an idea that could save lives around the world.

Building a More Resilient West Africa: How Open Innovation Can Help

Imagine a world where a health worker in rural Liberia has real-time access to the information she needs to save lives.

Zika Virus Sheds Light on Shortcomings in Family Planning and Reproductive Health

As Zika spreads across the Americas, women trying to heed health authorities' recommendations to delay pregnancy are in a tough spot.

“Mobilizing” the Global Community Workforce for Resilient Primary Health Systems

The role of ICT in creating resilient systems is profound, but we have yet to scratch the surface of possibilities.

Open Source App Takes on Ebola and Mental Health in Liberia

Remix, reuse, redesign. Why a technology birthed during the Ebola outbreak is now collecting data on mental health needs.

In West Africa, mHero Inspires Country-to-Country Collaboration

Sierra Leone looks to Liberia for lessons in strengthening its health information systems in the wake of Ebola.

Youth Advocates Can Increase the Use of Modern Contraceptives, If We Listen to Them

If you want to harness the power of youth for family planning programs, you have to engage and listen to them.

Move Over, Unmet Need—There’s a New Family Planning Indicator in Town

Measuring “unmet need” has helped countries make great progress in family planning. But is there something better?

10 Global Health Issues to Follow in 2016

From air pollution to Zika virus, these diseases, threats, and trends are likely to shape the global health agenda in 2016.