
News & commentary about the global health workforce

What Will Family Planning Look Like in 2036?

Who knew 20 years ago that mobile phones would become a crucial tool in reproductive health? And what do the next 20 have in store?

On the Front Lines: Supporting Health Workers that Deliver Lifesaving Vaccines

One of the greatest successes in global health in the past 25 years was delivered by frontline health workers.

“Mobilizing” the Global Community Workforce for Resilient Primary Health Systems

The role of ICT in creating resilient systems is profound, but we have yet to scratch the surface of possibilities.

Open Source App Takes on Ebola and Mental Health in Liberia

Remix, reuse, redesign. Why a technology birthed during the Ebola outbreak is now collecting data on mental health needs.

In West Africa, mHero Inspires Country-to-Country Collaboration

Sierra Leone looks to Liberia for lessons in strengthening its health information systems in the wake of Ebola.

More Than a Library: A Portal for the Supply Chain Learning Community

We're building something different for the health supply chain workforce in East Africa.

Cervical Cancer Screening Uncovers a Great Need in Kenya

Screening is crucial, particularly for women who live with HIV.

Youth Advocates Can Increase the Use of Modern Contraceptives, If We Listen to Them

If you want to harness the power of youth for family planning programs, you have to engage and listen to them.

Move Over, Unmet Need—There’s a New Family Planning Indicator in Town

Measuring “unmet need” has helped countries make great progress in family planning. But is there something better?