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The French-language paper La Sénégalese recently reported on a march scheduled for Saturday, April 9, in Kolda against female genital cutting and early marriage. 400 women are expected to participate in this march, which is being organized by IntraHealth International, in partnership with the Siggil Jigeen Network, a local Senegalese consortium of women’s groups.
On Saturday, Pape Gaye, IntraHealth president and CEO, spoke at the fourth annual meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) held at the University of California, San Diego as a part of the panel discussion and working session, Scaling Up, Saving Lives: Confronting the Health Workforce Crisis. Other panelists and presenters included:
The IntraHealth-led Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health/Family Planning/Malaria project has been supporting workshops to engage Senegalese religious leaders in supporting family planning. USAID's "Telling Our Story" series recently highlighted this work. USAID also provided a French version of this material.
The Learning for Performace training program was featured on page 11 of Knowledge Management for Data Use and Decision Making in International Public Health, published by the Measurement, Learning, and Evaluation project.
Kate Tulenko, deputy director of the IntraHealth-led CapacityPlus project, was quoted in "Recruitment of foreign physicians: a zero-sum equation?" by Mike Alberti for Remapping Debate.
Tulenko points out some of the effects of recruiting health workers to the US from other countries.