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An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2008.
The interactive simulations in this DVD package aim to enhance or refresh the counseling skills of experienced PAC providers. To order, please contact Nola Bower-Smith.
This study aims to establish the extent to which men can be attracted into caregiving jobs traditionally considered the province of women and what it will take to increase the numbers of male HIV...
This document presents guidelines to assist in integration of Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) into established educational programs for health professionals.
Author: Yinger N and McQuide PA
Project: Capacity Project
Series: Legacy Series #7
Date: 2009
Description: Describes the Project's models for strengthening professional associations.
Author: Hafner C
Project: Capacity Project
Series: Legacy series #8
Date: 2009
Description: Describes the Project’s contributions to strengthening Christian Health Associations’ HR systems, and...
Author: Benavides BM
Project: Capacity Project
Date: 2009
Description: This paper describes the Capacity Project’s work with governments and partners in Central America and Uganda to test...
The Capacity Project’s final report summarizes results and lessons learned from this five-year global project on human resources for health.
Author: Jaskiewicz W, Fitzgerald L, Fogarty L, Huber A, Peersman G, Schalk-Zaitsev S, Sethi R, Tholandi M, and Yank S
Project: Capacity Project
Date: 2009
Description: The promising practices in...
Project: Vistaar Project
Date: 2009
Description: The purpose of this paper is to inform and assist others interested in using participatory leadership and management approaches by documenting and...