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COVID-19 Workforce Surge Planning Tools – Rapid and Remote COVID Workforce Assessment: A User Guide

A user guide for predicting COVID-19 health workforce staffing needs.

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iHRIS Principles for Digital Development Assessment

This report reflects an independent assessment of IntraHealth's iHRIS software using the Principles for Digital Development, guidelines that are designed to help integrate best practices into...

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How the Introduction of a Human Resources Information System Helped the Democratic Republic of Congo to Mobilise Domestic Resources for an Improved Health Workforce

This Health Policy and Planning article describes how the Democratic Republic of the Congo used data from iHRIS, a human resource information system developed by IntraHealth International, to conduct...

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The Human Resources for Health Effort Index: A Tool to Assess and Inform Strategic Health Workforce Investments

It’s tough to measure progress on an issue as big and complex as the health workforce. The HRH Effort Index helps.

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Human Resources for Health in Kenya: A Stock and Flow Review

This brief summarizes stock (current number of human resources for health or HRH) and flow (movement in and out of the workforce) findings from a first phase HRH review led by the Kenya Ministry of...

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The Composition of the Social Service Workforce in HIV/AIDS-Affected Contexts

This technical report describes the composition of the social service workforce drawn from several sources of data.

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Using Health Workforce Data to Improve Access to Services

CapacityPlus expanded use of the open source human resources information systems platform to enable countries to use data to make decisions. 

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Health Workforce Productivity Analysis and Improvement Toolkit

The health workforce is critical for ensuring access to high-quality family planning/reproductive health, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, and other services in order to improve health outcomes. 

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Transforming Health Professional Preservice Education to Meet National Needs

CapacityPlus supported more than 50 health professional schools in 12 African countries to strengthen health workforce education and school management.

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