
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

How One Nurse Leader Transformed Family Planning Services at This Kenyan Health Facility

Meet Alice Boit, the nurse-in-charge of the Rhonda Dispensary and Maternity health facility in Nakuru Town County, Kenya.

Next Steps in Our Global COVID Response: A Message to the World Health Organization's Executive Board

More must be done to ensure essential support and protection for frontline health workers if the COVID-19 response is to succeed.

Top Global Health Moments of 2020

A month-by-month guide to the moments that captivated us most throughout the year. 

3 Ways Health Workers in Central America Are Delivering HIV Care during a Pandemic

We’re adapting our health services in Central America to reach clients in new ways.

Executive Voice: 10 Questions with CEO Polly Dunford

She brings a global view on health care to Chapel Hill nonprofit.

Congress Must Make Health Workers and COVID-19 Emergency Funding the Priorities

African Health Ministers, IntraHealth International, and Frontline Health Workers Coalition are teaming up to push for this crucial legislation.

Meet Three Ugandan Women Who Say Community-Based Family Planning Has Changed Their Lives

RHITES-E is expanding the range of high-quality services for women in 30 districts in Eastern Uganda.

In Central America, Health Workers Keep HIV Services Available despite Dual Disasters

Health workers battle a pandemic and two hurricanes to get HIV treatment to clients in Central America.

Four Ways We’re Adapting HIV Services during COVID-19 in Tanzania

How to keep high-quality prevention services available during a pandemic.

In Burkina Faso, New Community Health Posts Improve Access to Integrated Care

In partnership with the Ministry of Health and community leaders, IntraHealth International establishes Burkina Faso’s first two community health posts.