
News & commentary about the global health workforce

A Clean Bed, Anesthesia, and Other Small Comforts We Can Give Mali’s Moms

An assessment of health facilities found entire wards devoid of equipment and supplies. We can do better.

Picture It: Health Workers Provide Care for Mothers Every Day

Happy Mother’s Day to moms—and the health workers who care for them—everywhere!

More Babies Tested, Treated, and Born HIV-Free in Namibia

To end the country's HIV epidemic, new infections among children must be eliminated. This district is making it happen.

SwitchPoint: A Patient's Perspective

A conference like SwitchPoint could lead to a newfound global respect for my minority.

Failing Fast: Does It Apply to Health Care?

When you're developing new ideas or tech, failure isn't such a bad thing. But for health workers, it means something else.

Want to Talk about Family Planning? Reach Out to Your Local Mayor

Advocacy efforts to improve access to and use of family planning must include local government officials. 

The Power of Storytelling: Unlocking Energy for Change

What happens when frontline health workers team up with a professional storytelling coach? The results are unforgettable.

SwitchPoint 2017: Day 2

Be informed. Tell stories. Stick together. And other lessons on how to keep doing good from SwitchPoint 2017.

SwitchPoint 2017: Day 1

A big question on people’s minds today wasn’t “What are we doing for greater social good?” but “How can we keep doing it?”