
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

Why Is that Guy Tap Dancing? And Other Frequently Asked Questions about the Arts at SwitchPoint

Most of the 350+ people who come to this North Carolina conference aren’t artists. That’s the point.

Teen Clubs in Namibia Are Shaping a New Future for Kids with HIV

For some kids, adolescence began with a diagnosis. These health workers are helping them navigate all that comes with it.

A Registered Nurse’s Dispatch from Uganda

"They did not feel that medicine would help her. They were just waiting for her to die.”

A Physician’s Dispatch from KwaZulu-Natal

In honor of World Health Worker Week 2018, health workers from around the world are telling us what it's really like on the front lines.

Ready for the WhatsApp Revolution in Health Care Communications?

Twenty percent of the world's population is using it already. Time for us to catch up.