
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Community Health Workers Make a Difference for Pediatric HIV Clients in South Sudan

Lawrence Monday links health facilities and communities to extend HIV care and treatment services.

Health Workers Can Help Break the Silence around Violence against Women

Universal screening is a logical first step in addressing violence against women. Here are 4 things health institutions must keep in mind.

Q&A with Rosaline Hendricks, Member of the iHRIS Global Community

What's it like to be a woman working in IT in Namibia? Rosaline Hendricks talks about that and more.

I Counted, There Were 14 Health Workers

An allergic reaction sent Kenyan health worker Doris Mwarey to a US hospital—and made her see the global shortage of health workers in a whole new light.

Let’s Bring Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Out of the Shadows in Mali

A first-of-its-kind training for health workers is sparking some uncommon—and sometimes heated—conversations in Bamako.

Six Steps on the Long Road to Gender Equality

What can we do to reduce discrimination and violence against women? And how can we make change last for generations to come? Madhuri Narayanan has some ideas.

Building a Health Workforce to Achieve an AIDS-Free Generation

What will the woman nominated to be the next leader of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief say about the health workforce?

In Tanzania, Health Workers Stand Up for Victims of Violence

After a traumatic injury during childbirth went untreated, Akinyi suffered months of spousal abuse. Then she met a nurse named Neema.

At the Oscars, a Spotlight on Health Care in the Midst of Violence

In Karama Has No Walls, we see health workers risk their lives to care for the wounded. It happens more often than you might think.

In Rural Ethiopia, Change Isn't Always Easy

After 32 years of service in health care, Bekalu Afenew hoped his next post would be in a big city. It wasn't, but he didn't let that slow him down.

How I Fell in Love with the Health Workers and Students at St. Joseph’s

At this convent, hospital, and school in Kamuli District, Uganda, budding midwives live by a motto: “The patient is my profession.”