Last Friday, I sat in the beautiful Haw River Ballroom in the enchanting town of Saxapahaw, North Carolina, with hundreds of eclectic, savvy, and well-traveled individuals at SwitchPoint 2012—IntraHealth’s first annual conference, retreat, and concert on innovation and global health.
This year’s World Health Day, celebrated on April 7, will focus on aging and health. The older I get, the better I understand that old truism: ‘old age is not for wimps.’
A legendary figure of global health journalism, Laurie Garrett challenged a university audience with her insightful, incisive, and energizing lecture on the future of global health.
Leading up to this year’s International Women’s Day, the U.S. Agency for International Development introduced a new policy to help women and girls participate fully in and benefit from development.
A recent editorial in The Lancet issued a dire warning to the international medical community: medicine is a weapon of war in Syria. It is just the latest in a series of reportsfrom across the Middle East on how medical care and medical professionals and facilities are being used to inflict politically-motivated violence.