
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Why Advocate for PMTCT? Because it Works.

IntraHealth worked with Ethiopian community organizations to set up Mothers’ Support Groups, so that women living with HIV can support each other in living healthy lives and, if pregnant, taking steps to ensure their babies are born virus-free. This is the story of Meaza Asefa, a Mothers’ Support Group member.

Domestic Organization Capitalizes on iHRIS Manage Software

iHRIS Manage, open source software created to support organizations in developing countries to design and manage a comprehensive human resources strategy, has now found a domestic audience. Recently...

Global Health Solutions Begin with Health Workers

Health workers—community health educators, medical assistants, nurses, midwives, doctors, and others are key to improving people’s lives.

Nyakubawa Ambasaderi, mwarakoze cyane kudusura!*

What a pleasure for IntraHealth to be able to host Rwanda’s Ambassador to the US, His Excellency James Kimonyo, at our headquarters offices here in North Carolina last week!

Reflections from a Family Planning Conference in Nairobi

The Africa Exchange Meeting of the Expanding Services Delivery Project (ESD) held last week in Nairobi offered opportunities for learning about promising inroads in increasing access to reproductive health and family planning.

The IntraHealth iPhone App—Another Successful In-house Project

The next few years will be huge for non-profit mobile apps. I was just at the NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference and several people and vendors were talking about apps they were designing or already developing, with nothing released yet.

Lancet Reports Steady Decline in Maternal Deaths Throughout the World: A Perspective from India

Exciting news: India is among the leading countries in reducing maternal mortality in the last 15 years.

Gender Equality at IntraHealth on International Women's Day

IntraHealth is committed to promoting gender equality as an integral part of development, recognizing that if gender-based disparities and inequalities are not addressed in human resources development and health service delivery, they may undermine the achievement of health program, service and development objectives.

Malaria Prevention and Treatment in Rural Community-based 'Health Huts'

In Senegal, malaria is responsible for about one-third of all outpatient consultations and between 20% and 30% of mortality in health facilities. For the past 3 years IntraHealth International, in partnership and with financial support from Pfizer, has worked to increase the support to health huts and reduce the prevalence of malaria in the remote region of Tambacounda Senegal.

Inaugural 'Health Worker Leadership' Award Honors Kenyan Nurse-Midwife, IntraHealth Senior Leader

In celebration of IntraHealth's 30th anniversary, we've established the Pauline Muhuhu Leadership Award.